Our Party Organisation Party Structure

Section 1:

The party structure shall follow the electoral voting structures of the nation. It will be based on the constituency and its organisation, the regional and then the national level. There shall be an international branch of the Party which shall have the equivalence of a regional ranking in the party.

Sub-national organisations will have their inputs into the party through this body. There shall be officers at the constituency level who will collectively as a group be represented at the regional level through elections to complement the national officers.

The Conference elects the party's Executive Committee (EC) and shall serve a term of 4 years. The General Assembly shall meet annually to discuss and make decisions on matters of importance to the party.

The highest decision-making body of the Justice Party shall be the General Assembly, which meets once a year at a Conference. The Conference is made up of delegates from local and regional parties, as well as from the party's youth and women's groups. Party members may attend the conference with observer status.

Section 2:

The EC shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Justice Party and shall consist of 15 elected members including the party's leader, the Chairperson of the General Assembly, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Financial Director.

The EC also includes representatives from the party's regional parties, as well as from its youth and women's movements.

Section 3:

There will be a National Elders Council. This will be a group of “Elders” (members who first assembled to organise the party at its inception of the party and subsequently complemented by members nominated by the existing members of the council).

Section 4:

The party also has a number of specialist committees, which are responsible for developing and promoting party policy on specific issues.

These committees include:
  • The Disciplinary Committee,
  • The Economic Policy Committee,
  • The Social Policy Committee
  • The Elections Committee
  • And another ad hoc Committee as approved by the EC.